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How to Navigate Change

Embracing change is about embracing a new reality. Think about your life when you were a kid. You may have been in a rush to grow up and for your life to change.

To have your own house.

To have your own car.

To have your own life!

Now that you have it, are you afraid to live it?

Do things really change, or Do you get more clear about what you want? 🤔

Change is making modifications to what is already present.

You may need to change something physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually to create the life that you desire.

Evolvement is being in constant transition.

When you are in transition...

  • You may have to quit

  • You may have to release

  • You may have to accept

...something that will be hard to let go of and move through.

This transition is an essential piece for you to creating space for what is in alignment with your heart.

Change is necessary for your evolvement.

We all have a unique image in our heads about the life we want to live.

Whether the change is big or small, something has to shift to create that life that fits your needs and desires.


The Phases of Embracing Change


This phase starts with noticing how the transition feelings in your body. It's not about judgment but allowing yourself to feel and experience whatever you are currently feeling in your body. Emotions are just energy in motion. These emotions demand to be felt and experienced. Until you allow yourself to feel all that is presently in your body where you currently are, you will feel resistant. Just a heads up, you will never be done feeling how you feel toward a person, place, thing, experience, or memory (😬 might not be what you wanted to hear, but what you needed to hear).

  1. How do I feel?

  2. Why do I feel it?

  3. Where does the feeling sit in my body?


This phase is about understanding how the transition is going to affect you. Here you want to identify the impact that the change will have on your life. Addressing your current mindset and the mindset you wish to have while navigating the transition is significant to understand your perspective.

  1. What does this mean for my quality of life?

  2. How will this impact where I am going?

  3. Is my perspective limiting me?


This phase is about showing gratitude for what caused the transition. Everything that has happened leading up to this change is apart of your journey and experience. When you have an appreciation for the cause, it inspires you to work through the transition. You can show appreciation for what is going to happen when you are there.

  1. How can I say thank you for what has brought me here?

  2. What are you grateful for happening in your journey?

  3. What will I appreciate when I am living the life that makes me feel good?


This phase is about creating space for the desired outcome of the transition. Some mindsets need to be released, and new beliefs need to be adopted. The process of navigating and embracing change is not linear. I found that this phase is where the most time needs to be dedicated. Reshaping your mind and belief systems takes time and patience. Acceptance isn't something that can happen overnight. Using the previous phase of appreciation is what keeps you going in this phase.

  1. What mindsets or beliefs do I need to adopt?

  2. What do I need to release?

  3. Why am I rushing the process?


This phase is about trusting yourself to build the life that is a result of the transition. Again, this process is not about reaching a destination (the journey is the destination). It's about tuning in with what you want and taking action to get it. Change doesn't happen in a blink of an eye. It's taking hundreds of small steps and thousands of transitions to get to the life that truly reflects your needs and desires.

  1. What can I do to integrate what I desire into my life now?

  2. What is the small first step?

  3. How can I build trust in myself?


Self-evolvement is a continuous journey. A journey of looking inward to ensure that you are living a life that makes you feel good.

Allow yourself to shift when you notice that you want to add something more to your life.

You have gone through this process already! When you made a change and shifted your life unconsciously.

You can be intentional and present in the transitions of your life when navigating change.

The transition can be graceful. As you embrace change, the process gets more and more habitual as you build your connection with yourself.

What holds you back from embracing change?

  1. Not Being Honest With Yourself

  2. Not Trusting Yourself

  3. Lack of "Resources"

  4. Environmental "Circumstances"

Why are resources and circumstances in air quotes?

Resources and circumstances are relative to your perspective and the story you are telling yourself. Shift your mindset, adopt new beliefs, and embody the version of yourself you desire to be. That is how you will change your life.

How to overcome that...

  1. Gratitude Practice

  2. Shadow Work

  3. Daily Connection with Self

The best thing I can tell you here is to surround yourself with women committed to their journey. I am here to support, encourage, and empower you to live your best life through Dewless Bloom. Get connected!

  1. Listening to the Podcast

  2. Following us on Instagram

  3. Attending Village Night


Try this visualization exercise to identify where you want to go:

Think about where you want to be six months from now.

Think about what you want to accomplish.

Who do you want to be?

Take some time to reflect on the question below. If you have any questions, send me an email or a DM on Instagram 🥰.



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