Imagine you are sitting at a table, and in front of you is your future self.
What does she look like in her element?
How does it feel to be in her presence?
What's one thing you can do this weekend to embody this version of yourself?
I encourage you to spend some time getting to know this version of yourself.
👀 Maybe even give your future self a name.
(this will help you get into the energy of embodying this in the present - just a little tip)
I've named my future self SERENITY because this is what I want to feel at my core.
I find it funny that my middle name starts with an S, so now, whenever I see my middle initial, it reminds me of the grounded feeling of SERENITY.

A little tangent: I have been calling in a camper ( 🤔 an SUV or a van, I'm still getting clear on this desire 😅).
But when I designed my vision board for a van last summer, I called the vehicle SERENITY. (the image above is that vision board ☝🏾)
🤯 It's crazy how this word means the same thing to me, but in a different form.
This story goes to show all we are searching for is a feeling.
What feeling are you searching to experience?
(And what's holding you back from feeling it now??)
to evolve you need:
trust in your ability to create your desires 🦋 If you're ready to be intentional and trust yourself, book a call with me for 1:1 coaching.